Guardians: A self-defense gang generally peaceful and often cooperative with the police. Gomi: (Japanese) Trash, junk, or garbage. Go LEO: To make the trip into Low Earth Orbit. Often used by Yakuza to describe the basis for their 'honorable' traditions honor, duty, obligation. Giri: ( Japanese) Closest translation is debt or obligation, but the concept entails much more. Gato: ( Spanish) A smooth operator a cool person - also a fixer. Commonly refers to those who have little or no implants, or an object made of non-synthetic material. Gaijin: ( Japanese) Derogatory term for outsider. Fodder: Derogatory fixer term for solos. Faceman: A sub- fixer in the employ of a boss-fixer, supporting the boss' network. Extreme Braindances or XBDs: Digital recordings of memories that feature gruesome and bizarre scenes, including various forms of violence, torture, and even rape and murder. Exotics: A human biosculpted with non-human elements such as fur, long ears, fangs, etc. Edgezone: A strip, a gray area, an area of potential coolness. A cyberpunk, that is to say, someone who has immersed themselves in the era of technological change by implanting cyberware, enhancing their abilities, using weapons and/or their cunning and perceptions in order to oppose the megacorporations. Edgerunner: Someone who lives on the Edge. Edge: The fringe of society, where many engage in illegal or semilegal acts or life-styles. Eddies: Phonetic pronunciation of "EDs", meaning Eurodollars. Doughboy or Doughgirl: Someone who is wearing too much armor. Dorphhead or Dorpher: A drug addict, especially one with a Dorph habit. ' Dorph: Synthetic endorphins, a designer drug that increases healing powers, limits fatigue, and produces a "rush" similar to a second wind. Dirty: Derogatory term for anything low-tech, as in pencils, paper, walking, etc. Data Term: A street corner information terminal, which features a screen, NET inputs, and keyboard.
Cybered-Up: To be implanted with a notable - or excessive - amount of cyberware. C-YA: Sounds like "see ya," and stands for "Cover Your Ass". Corpse: A corporate worker, an executive, a corporate. Conapt: A condominium apartment in a Corporate Zone. #Lingo eyewear series
Combat Drugs: Any one of a series of designer drugs created to increase speed, stamina, and reflexes.Chromatic Rock: A type of heavy metal characterized by heavy electronics, simple rhythms, and violent lyrics.Chrome Jock: A person who has implanted a notable - or excessive - amount of cyberware.Chromer: 21st century heavy metal rock fan.Chromed: To be implanted with cyberware.Chunking: Eating on the run, and eating as a secondary activity.Chopping: The process of cracking a stolen credchip.The vast majority of vehicles in the Time of the Red are fueled by this advanced form of alcohol, which has a higher burning temperature than normal methanol. CHOOH²: Sounds like "Choo-Two," and refers to the alcohol used in power plants and vehicle engines.Chombatta or Choomba or Choom: Neo-Afro-American slang for a friend or a family member.Chippin' In: To buy cyberware for the first time.Chip: Any type of data recording, usually in the form of small colored slivers of plastic.' Borg: A full-body cyborg conversion.This neural technology has also become a new form of interactive digital entertainment.
Braindance or BD: A digital recording of someone's memory, including sensory input and emotions.Bourgie or Bourgy: Common, low class (adj.Booster or Boostergang: Any member of a gang that effects cyberware, leather clothing, and random violence.Bonanza: The location of a big score: for example, an abandoned Corporate facility.Boga: (Spanish) Vogue, that which is in- fashion.Black Lace or Lace: A designer drug that is a more powerful version of Dorph.Beaverville: A safe suburban neighborhood, mostly populated by mid-level Corporate executives and their families.Beaver or Beav: A derogatory term for suburbanites from corporate-controlled neighborhoods, based on the 1950s series Leave It to Beaver.
AV: Common slang, pronounced "ay vee", for an aerodyne - an automobile-like flying vehicle powered by ducted jet fans.Alien: Derogatory Earthside term for someone who lives in space.2020 Hindsight: The wise act of watching your back.