
Ds 160 imageviewer
Ds 160 imageviewer

Ds 160 imageviewer plus#

NEYVMAN Totally Enclosed Squirrel Cage 3 phase 415 volts 50 cyclesġ hp £18 9 O 114 h P £21 10 0 2 h p £25 10 0 3 h p £ 26 7 0 5 h p £34 12 0 7Mi h p £46 10 0 10 h P £55 8 6 Plus Sales Tax if applicable Ton good order £20 XM7286 BR S 2 speed Recording and PlaybackĪnd Boots new size 6 LM501J H M V Table Model new set per Mantel almost new UTJ2281 CAR RADIO Delco 6 volt push b it Only 3o/ pr M3652 5O0 George st FERPIS Car Radlr 6 valve 12v YVebster 222 Carrington Rd Coogee DUAL YVAVE H M V Mantel Radioĥv recent model £ 17'a X元83t) HEADPHONES high Imped 20 prs Inter office or factory £ 10 FA29☃ EADIO American Table Mode) bun £2 Radiogram £12yi JeB7188 PHILIPS Mantel Radio 5 dual £8Ĥ96 P matta Rd P sham LM4571. "lsYTEW Plessy RecoVd Changer for sale J-~ Cost £18 Oller 3o Holbrow St Inter com set with 2 speakers First class order £15 FA2993 £12/10/ Must sell 53 Liverpool St Dover Heights FU7084 New batteries 1 4, volt £ 11 Vi /ft 1 5 Wynyard St Sth Granville THREE P A Speak Horns 6ft as new Tlon £10 Drayton Common wealth Bank Bankstown JB22G7 I EXCHANGE new Cabinet Wireless forī R S Dual peed Recorder Rinn MA7C21 Monda 9am to 5 p m "XTEARLY New Krles cr Triple Throat -" 7yds Lino Glass Elec Light Shade Radiator Lot cheap 267 Johnston St ' chece from Ove hauled and guar antecd EATON RADIO 179 Palmer St FA28 £4/10/ from £4/10/ ' New set performante large stocks al! types makesĮHIC ANDERSON 1 15 Oxford St etty CONSOLE RADIO 5v DW very niceĪppearance Good order £ 12/10/ or near offer 293 Allson Road Coo gee FX5926 Several makes and models available Must sell CheapĢJ24 c ass B Modulators aerial coupling unit, 24 volt High voltage gen erator complete with coils Continuous coverage to 15 m c £ 100 or oller FA2993Ĩ90 GEORGE STREET (opp Regent) RADIOS Trade In Rebuilt RADIOS Taama £ lOVi J stor M M Healing Kriesler HMV Nipper £12ia Old 6 and 12 v 1 alior made dash dials »nd speaker units for all late model cars Insist on a Ferris Set from your Garage Radio Retailer or Motor Dlstrlb itor FERRIS BROS PTY LTD FA6641Īnd in Experten ed Radio Technician will call and repair your Radio In yourĪrch £18 Brevllle £15i2 AWA £J4Vi Astor, £12ia Elects Philips 5v £20 C12V4 St Carlson £14V2 Most Models carry a new »et ruaran tee including valvesĬall lor a demonstration any day In eluding Saturday mornings atĢ50 Crown st city one door from Ox lord StreetĮRRIS SUPER SEVEN CAR RYDIO Model 83 Ai strahl s most rowcrfu Car Radio Exclusive features 7 val es High and Low Battery Drain Switch Tloned Radios always available from 1710 OF ORIGINAL COST Thousands of Quality Radios to suit every purposo and pocket Luxurious Cocktail Bar Console Radiograms Elec trie Mantel Models Battery Portables, Vibrator and Car Radios all makes ali sizes Low Deposits Easy terms These modern Radios will not be affected by Television Sold with the Eric Anderson Guarantee and Technical ServiceĬrow s Nest North Shore 8 Darcy Street Parramatta

Ds 160 imageviewer